Saturday, September 5, 2009


Hey readers(if there are any). No one really reads my blog so i have decided im gonna stop blogging for a while. If you wanna find out what im up to just catch me on facebook. C ya when(if) i feel like blogging to ya'll again.

miss ya,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ghost stories of Key West

Hey everyone! I recently got back from key west, florida! It was so much fun. We got to key largo on saturday then drove down to key west on sunday. On monday we wen't to a bunch of museums and on a ghost tour! The ghost tour was fun but it creeped me out... I didn't get much sleep that night. There were tons of stories that we heard...they even told some of them at museums 'cause they truly are part of the history (scary history) of key west. One was about this Count who had a "dream" , in his dream his grandma told him he must marry a beautiful spanish ( latino? cuban? idk... u get the picture) woman. He met this girl (whose name i didn't pay attention to) and fell in love with her, but she was married and she was dieing of some disease... When the girl died the count went to her grave and dug her up. She had rotted a bit so the count remade her and put her in a wedding dress. Its really creepy and eventually he was arrested and written off as crazy. Now his lonely ghost haunts the area where he used to live. There was also a haunted voodoo doll named robert. He was really creepy. Robert the doll used to live in this house with this boy whose name was Robert and his middle name was Eugene. after meeting Robert the doll he went by his middle name but abreviated it to Gene. As he was growing up he blamed everything bad on Robert. He left the house when he got old enough. When his parents died he inherited the house and moved in with his wife. There in the attic he found Robert. He made him lots of furniture and put him in a different room in front of a window. There kids could see him move about. Eventually Gene got tired of Robert and his negetivity. He moved him back to the attic. When other people moved in to the house the doll remained and many of the people claimed to hear footsteps coming from the attiv but when they went up there all they saw was a creepy doll sitting in a rocking chair holding a stuffed lion. Now Robert aits in a museum. Very confertably... You can take a picture of him but you have to ask his permission. There are a ton of letters taped to the wall and on his case asking for his forgiveness because they took his picture without asking. One couple had a particularly bad experience. When they tried to take a picture the first time their camera batteries died. Then they got new batteries and took the picture. Then when they were trying to get home and their air plane was delayed, and delayed a second time, and then the third attempt to get home was cancelled. They asked for his forgiveness and were able to finally get home. That would have really sucked... I did not take a picture... It would have felt really stupid to talk to a display in a museum just to take its picture... But the lady i was staying with took one. so here he is...

he looks creepier when you can see his face. we didn't get a very good picture of him... but still you can see some of the letters in the background and in his case. Well i had a very ghostly experience.
stay tuned for my next blog about the rest of my vacation.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hey everyone! Guess what! Im going on vacation for a week! Im going to key west! Right now im in the car. I'll blog when i get back. Bye. <Dream Queen>, christy

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When I grow up...

How many of you have put much interest into what you wan't to be when you grow up. Half of you probably are saying to yourself I have plenty of time but as the years go by you will still have no idea. I understand there are a couple of people I know that are my age that know they wan't to be a pediatrician or a surgeon. But then I also know people that think they are going to be on broadway and wan't to become a pro dancer when (no offense) they aren't that good. I used to think, well, I would like to be a dancer, but like the other people I was being unrealistic. I have a bad knee which two years ago I had surgery on. I still dance but sometimes my leg hurts or i have trouble pushing of that leg because it's not as strong as my other leg. I know I would never make it as a professional dancer . So I started thinking about what else I like to do. I am very creative so I thought maybe i could be a fashion or interior designer. That didn't last long and once the economy started getting worse i thought when i graduate this economy is going to be BAD. I need something that would pay better than an interior designer. Half the people nowadays either go for the cheep decorations or they do it themselves so i wouldn't have had that much business. Recently I have been trying to write a book. I haven't gotten very far but I think if i keep at it someday it might turn out pretty well. that's when i got the idea... I want to be an author. I have always admired authors and the way some authors writing just seems to flow. I read a LOT of books. The people at the library are probably either inpressed or pissed... I am always getting books from the library. One thing thats cool about my library is that you can request a book on their computer or even on your computer at home (if you know how to do it). Then they will send it to your house. I go on my computer and order a bunch of books. I have memorized my library card number... its pretty long too I'm impressed with myself. One time i left for a week and when I got back there were like five books waiting for me. It was like christmas for nerds!!!!! (as my friend "Jenny" says.) so for now my choice for What I want to be when I grow up is... Author. I just hope I go through with it.

Shout out to my "sis" "Mellisa"!
Luvs ya "sis",

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Guess what! I went on vacation to Daytona, Florida. We also took my friend "Jenny" with us. Before we left me and "Jenny" were in my room and found this little plastic dog. We decided he was going to be our travel buddy and we took him with us. We named him Tobi! We took pictures of him at soime of the places we went. Here is a picture of him at the beach!

Isn't he cute!?! We also went to St. Augustine! We climbed up 219 steps to the top of a really old ( rumored to be haunted) lighthouse! I got plenty of cool pictures of that!

Then when we were walking back to the gift shop (you have to walk through the forest a bit) we saw this sign that said "The Hammock". "Jenny", "Maddi", and I freaked out for some reason and had a sudden urge to go find this hammock. We were running around in the forest, with "Maddi"'s 80 or 90 year old grandpa ( i don't really remember how old he is but its somewhere around there) who had had a heart attack sorta recently in tow, looking for this stupid hammock but never found an actual hammock! We went into the gift shop and asked someone that worked there what the hammock was. It turns out that Hammock is also another word for a shady tree where you would hang a hammock. HaHa! "Maddi"s grandpa was so mad! It was hilarious!

We also went to the Fort. It was kinda boring , kinda cool. That is apparently haunted also. We totally freaked out when we went into the room where they kept the prisoners. One of my friends wouldn't even go in there! We also saw the barracks. They were bunk beds with two people in the top and two people in the bottom. You know what else!!!???!!! There matresses were just pillow cases with hay in them! And not even alot of hay! Just a tiny bit of really uncomfertable hay! That sounds horrible! My friend tried sitting on it and said that the hay did nothing. It just felt like sitting on wood. there were cannons everywhere! I got some cool pictures of those!
There is so much to do in St.Augustine! we also went to the Fountain of youth! That was fun! We got to have some of the water too! It tasted NASTY! G-R-O-S-S! It didn't even work! I found out later that the water was just sulfer water. The fountain of youth is a total fake. The water does come out of the actual fountain but it is not a youthful fountain. I have a picture of the fountain but they put so much fake stuff around it you can barely see it and it looks soooooo tiny!

They also had alot of animals there! There was an Emu, Peacocks (even an albino peacock!), squirells... I don't think the squirells were supposed to be there... But they were! I got to feed all of the animals!!!!! Even the squirells! Did you know Emu's liked peanuts? I fed a peacock too! and a squirell... look i got pictures!!!!!

The hotel we were at had alot of activities we could do. While we were there we entered a family sand sculpture contest. My family ( and "Jenny") made a dolphin! In the sand! I couldn't belive how well it turned out! Thats our doplhin!

It's pretty good for ameteurs. Well, we had alot of fun in Daytona (and St.Augustine). Hope ya'll have a good vacation this summer too!
Love ya'll like goldfish,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My head...

Ouch! My head really hurts! Yesterday i went to typhoon lagoon. They have a crazy awesome wave pool! I did a back flip in it and i hit my head!
:( ,

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hey every body! Im so bored! Im at the boys and girls club summer program at my school. Im in the gym doing nothing! Help!!!! <Free as a bird!>, "christy"